Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tommie Chick's 1954, 1959, 1969, Custom Stratocaster


Tommie Chick (Chick is a nickname coming from his Italian surname) saw one of my '59 style Fender 3 tone sunburst finishes and approached me about doing one for him. Once I explained it's best to fit the parts before the finish is applied, we decided he'd ship me all the parts and I'd put it together for him. Tommie came up with the spec after we decided on a one piece Ash body. He selected a Clapton neck, Callaham hardware, and Abigail Ybarra '69 Strat custom pickups loaded on a single ply white guard. Follow along as the Strat goes together on the Flickr Photo Set.

Monday, June 7, 2010

1953 Vintage Fender Precision Bass Restoration Refinish


This week in the shop we have a '53 Fender Precision Bass. The P-Bass came out in 1951 and revolutionized the music industry. This bass is # 08XX, so it was one of the very first made. It was restored in 1957, when it was given a two color sunburst finish and a white guard, which was the new style P-Bass finish of the day. Then goofed with probably in the 70's with a brushed on "natural" finish (ouch). Currently we are bringing it back to original specs. The butterscotch blonde finish is being applied though the florescent lamp in the paint booth makes it look a bit green! And it will receive the proper black guard. The bass will be offered for sale in a few weeks once everything is done and the lacquer is cured. Feel free to inquire about details if interested.

Friday, June 4, 2010

1963 Vintage Fender Telecaster Humbucker Route Repair


This week in the shop we are working on a 1963 Telecaster, fixing the humbucker route and restoring to original Fender Telecaster route. Fortunately, the owner kept the original neck pickup, and this will be installed. See photos and descriptions here.